Who is your Communicator?


This article will encompass a variety of topics with the main one being the rebirth of LL717T’s website. I, Justin Zita, the 717T new Communicator, will shortly cover what that means in itself but for now I will briefly introduce myself. I have been with Magellan Aerospace since October 11, 2022 and am currently an Assembler & Balance Operator in the F404 cell. I recently learned that the 717T site has been dormant since 2015 and meeting after meeting noticed no one was willing to take the role as Communicator to help look over the site and took it upon myself to volunteer to help show my support for the union. Many understand the importance of a union and a strong union at that. Union strength is a direct correlation of its local members, to see any change people have to do more than just want it, they have to act upon it.

“Nothing changes, if nothing changes”

-Theo Von

To prepare for this role 717T has sent me on a 2-day training event to District 78 on June 13 & 14 2024 where I and other communicators, LL905 (Kevin Gallant) & LL1231 (Sabiha Khan), have received training from Communications Representative, Frank Saptel. Frank being apart of IAM Canada has been running this training regarding website management using “WordPress” since 2010 and has been crucial in our training and has given us the insight and knowledge to confidently manage, restore and add to our local IAMAW website. With this new training I’ve been able to restore this once dormant site to what you see before yourself today.

My role as a Communicator is a simply one at that, I will be your conduit to gain information about meetings, events, general information about our local, important information about the labour force as a whole and more. I encourage everyone to check out the local site for any of your union needs, questions, requests and general information.